It’s nice to go to far places and see things. But it matters who you go with.
Our Women Leaders in STEM program, which started today, brought together the best in their fields from 40 countries around the world. The United States government provided the opportunity to travel and learn in 6 teams divided into 4 American cities for a total of three weeks.
I, Mongolia, have undertaken to make a presentation at a meeting to be held in Chicago.
It’s nice to have something to say in front of people. Even though we rejected, challenged, and challenged ourselves, we feel at every step that we have come a long way, that we have something to do and are full of opportunities. Seeing that most of the guides, teachers, facilitators and volunteers were older people, I wanted to learn.
There is a woman who has never had a female partner in her 20 years of working in the field, while the Palestinian border has been closed due to the Israeli-Palestinian war. We wonder how bad we are, but how good it is to know that there are many people who want to learn from us.
A person who has a story to tell, a song to sing, and a culture to show off, will represent the country after wearing his coat beautifully.
Well, I’m going to share my news.
Washington, USA